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Just for you

I offer consultations in aromatherapy and the personalized use of essential oils in your life. Together we discuss the areas of your life you wish to address and explore the scents that speak to you. You receive customized essential oil recommendations and ideas for a home tool-kit.


In these sessions, you get to explore over 35+ essential oils from my apothecary & discover your plant allies, while we custom-craft a signature scent or wellness blend specific to your needs and liking. Bring your essential oil questions, learn about the benefits of plant oils and their complementary nature, as well as about blending and mixing notes. Create one personalized product (available to re-order) and receive a mini ritual kit to take with you. We’ll end by discussing recommendations for an essential oil tool kit for your future use.


Customize the perfect scent just for you, or design for someone you love!


Pricing is specific to each client - contact me for more details.


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